A little to know

From working in a Level 2 trauma center to becoming a software developer!

I was born in Moses Lake Washington. I grew up in Spokane, Washington and have spent a lot of time after graduation moving around for work. At first glance at my resume you might think it's odd to have all the experience I have acquired in the medical field to shift to a new field where I am still learning more and more after trial and error. The simple answer is that I needed a change and I gravitated toward this field because I enjoy challenging myself. I've had only a handful of jobs since I started working at the age of 16 first at Taco Time then as a dishwasher at a buffet restaurant, working in a warehouse at Shopko to getting my first medical field job as a Nursing Assistant Registered working with developmentally disabled adults. It was from that job that I gained a deep interest in helping others and I would later get a certification as an EMT and began working on an Ambulance. Almost 3 years after being an EMT I got an opportunity to work at a Level 2 Trauma Center which at times could be stressful but the mental/physical coping skills I learned as an EMT and from fellow coworkers at the ER helped make work easier and fulfilling. I can work well under pressure from all the experiences I've gathered as an ER Technician. August of 2019 was a big point in my life as I had decided to sell my home I bought when I was 24 that I had finally finished fixing up a month prior and decided to travel and take a year to figure out my next steps. I was as prepared as one could get when I started backpacking through Western Europe to Eastern Europe, I traveled to 33 countries in total. Having traveled to the Middle East, North Africa, Central and South America to be stuck in Istanbul during the start of Covid in March of 2020. Along the way though I had met many individuals who had told me about their experiences as computer programmers, software developers, data engineers, and other tech related jobs. The catalyst for why I have shifted careers is due to the flexibility of the careers these individuals have. I already had a deep interest in computer technology on my off time but being able to get a better understanding and being able to use it while on the clock sounded even better.